Aug 31, 2018
WHOA. Deep delicious storytelling. Bonnie completely walks her talk. She's a blend of vulnerable mixed with hustle mixed with bling mixed with taking over the world. She's about creation, a willingness to savor moments, take control of her thoughts and create a media empire.
She's had a tough, dealt with a broken heart...
Aug 24, 2018
OK, this was WAY fun. We talked about all sorts of sex positive subjects! We spoke of our journeys as women, as mothers and dating! We spoke of how to literally bring up the use of toys with your partner... or with your teenagers! Katy is phenomenal with reminding us that sex is FUN and that pleasure is...
Aug 17, 2018
Wow. Dr. Shaler is PHENOMENAL. A lot came up for me during this interview for had I KNOWN all this 15 yrs ago, I wouldn't have had to go through that hellish court battle. AND YET it was through that uncomfy cocoon that the butterfly emerged- it was through it all that I have learned what I know to share with my...
Aug 10, 2018
OMG I love this woman!!!!!! We have known each other for years, perhaps decades. She keeps getting more and more magnificent in her understanding and capacity to heal money blocks and open you to your birthright of property and LOVE.
In this SENSATIONAL interview you will learn not only why every money issue is a love...
Aug 3, 2018
I had NO idea Bruce and I would go so deep so quick. His stories and life journey and current situation all weaved into a glorious lesson of mindfulness, respect, divine action and open hearted living. While a huge Podcaster with his Mindfulness Mode in over 140 countries I believe, he started as a young man with high...