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Intimate Conversations

Feb 1, 2012

Saskia Shakin. She is SO amazing and we spoke so in depth about public speaking. This is a wonderful interview where this brilliant woman shared her true passion for speaking because you LOVE to be there, in the moment, allowing yourself to be free and to be heard. I love it and hope that you did too.

Saskia Shakin...

Feb 1, 2012

Off the charts. That is all you ever need to say about Gay Hendricks. I had no idea how revolutionary this man was and how deeply I connected with every single word he had to say. As a woman I felt honored, I felt as if he understood what women felt, I felt as if he was the real essence of all that a man is. This was...

Feb 1, 2012

If you were at this call, you know how much of a gift all of us received in Carol. She is phenomenal and she is hysterical, she is spot on correct, and she has our number from the beginning and instantly. We unveiled what's in her amazing new book and even took a look at my chart and new man! So much fun!

As a Vedic...