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Intimate Conversations

Jun 29, 2018

Amy is a creative, a dreamer... always wanted to be a ballerina. As happens to many of us she went through a 'rule follower' stage and had various corporate America jobs yet was miserable. Gratefully she had entrepreneurial parents who encouraged her to take the leap. Without knowing how it would all work out, she...

Jun 22, 2018

I ADORE THIS MAN!!!! Holy crap what an amazing conversation not only of what he shared of his life journey, finding his Twin Flame Gabby but on how he allowed me to direct his emotions, his thoughts, his awarenesses.... like HOW he found his potential greatness in errors... like HOW he rides the wave of anger...

Jun 15, 2018

How I adore this man! He's ALWAYS such an inspiration as he shows up for men and women and thriving relationships. AND since we began to know Bryan on Intimate Conversations years ago, he's IN a thriving relationship with his Beloved... and they even teach couples relationship courses together! We connected when Bryan...

Jun 8, 2018

WOW!!! Talk about a connected wild soulful ride! Tammy's story is profound. The way she shares about her journey from pregnant at 17... 5 kids... 11 grandkids... then after doing everything she could to make it work, leaving her marriage and discovering she actually had her own back. Amazing!


Tammy shared ways to...

Jun 1, 2018

Wow, this woman GETS the process and has LIVED the process of what it takes to being DONE being single! She understands what we put into our inner growth is what we get out of the relationship we manifest. She gets that holding on with a death grip is the surest way to push love away. She gets that it's NEVER too...