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Intimate Conversations

May 25, 2022

Such a delicious conversation about the feminine... trust... the whole conversation seemed to come back to trust. To be authentic... trust who you are is enough, to surrender? Trust you are safe, listen to your intuition? Trust what you hear... on and on... even being grounded in our body... trust we are held, enough...

May 18, 2022

Life is so good. Especially when you run into a brother from another mother ;-) Gerald was introduced to me as someone I would adore and it's true. His journey is so aligned with our path to intimate communion with our soul. He shares of his two prior marriages dealing with masks and facades, anything not to...

May 11, 2022

Wow! We talked about real life examples of marriages who complain... what about me? about how to heal after betrayal, how to talk about getting your needs met in the bedroom... so many solid nuggets of how to make your relationship thrive. One of her insights about apologizing after betraying someone stopped me in...

May 4, 2022

I feel so enlivened, grounded, grateful, and expanded in this beautiful conversation with Kute. It's as if the souls of our mothers were dancing with us throughout the conversation. Beginning with his mention of the book Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain, a book he was inspired by when speaking at his dad's...