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Intimate Conversations

Mar 13, 2020

This woman always makes me smile inside and out. I think you can tell from the interview. She’s brave, bold and raw embodied. Having her long-term marriage as an example for me of what’s possible outside of the normal rules of marriage really inspires me. As does her funky makeup and fashion!

Allana's Getting Your Brave On Coaching Practice:
I think Amy calls them Smith Systems, what her and her man do to have their relationship thrive. Create a System in your marriage or relationship that creatively handles something you often butt heads about. Sometimes just having it spelled out and on the fridge to know who’s going to make dinner, take out the garbage, walk the dog... really helps eliminate misunderstandings. Also put date nights, sex nights, pleasure nights, alone nights, girl’s nights, boy’s nights etc. into a system so that neither partner gets to the point of feeling nervous to ask for what they need, nor does the other partner feel left out. Try a System out for a month and if it works, great, if not, tweak it. Systems are meant to be flexible and have the capacity to get better and better over time.

Show was originally part of the Brave, Bold, and Raw Series from August 2017

p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick, simple yet effective assessment so you can discover how to have the sexual freedom, healthy communication and deep connection you deserve - 

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