Apr 29, 2021
Apr 28, 2021
A Doctor of Chiropractic, born and raised in California, USA, Dain Heer hosts a regular radio show entitled Conversations in Consciousness on Voice of America. He has been a guest on hundreds of nationally syndicated radio shows. He also has appeared on several TV shows including ‘Fox News’, ‘Good Morning’ Shows...
Apr 21, 2021
Charles J. Orlando is an interpersonal relations/relationship dynamics expert and author of five acclaimed books—The Problem with Women... is Men® book series, The Pact: Goodbye, Past. Hello, Love!, and the graphic novella Don't Date A Dick. He serves as expert host of the hit show Seven Year Switch on Lifetime.
Apr 14, 2021
August McLaughlin is a nationally recognized health and sexuality writer, media personality and host and producer of the podcast, Girl Boner Radio, which offers a spicy blend of personal stories, in-depth reporting and inspiration. Reviewers have called the show “Sex in the City meets NPR” and the “Fresh Air of...
Apr 7, 2021
Relationships have life cycles and wherever yours may be at, what’s at the heart is your desire to live the fullest, most expansive, passion-filled life you possibly can. Your intimate relationships are your greatest teachers! Unfortunately being in intimate relationship sometimes involves painful, heart-wrenching...
Talking with Derek is like talking with Buddha. He's so wise AND breaks things down into the practical. We speak the same language of the inside out being our true nature... letting go of strategies and controlling outcomes. We listen to energy. We know what resonates is Grace Itself. He speaks so eloquently,...