Feb 21, 2020
Sherri Nickols joined us on Brave, Bold, and Raw as a bonus
addition to a spectacular program. I wanted to share my own
personal experience working with Sherri
Sherri is so loving, kind, clear and tender… in our session she
showed me where I wasn’t willing to receive. As we dug deeper it
wasn’t so much a worth issue, it was a core SAFETY issue. She got
it and took me through a powerful series of clearings to come to
peace in my being. She held space with unwavering love. While I had
the courage before to ask for things, that blind spot of not
feeling safe would somehow block people from saying yes to me. Now
I am asking as before, yet the answers are coming back in my favor
professionally and personally… I am truly able to receive more than
ever before. AND I’m able to GIVE more than ever before- my
coaching sessions are on fire. I'm literally able to see, know and
shift things with lightening speed and grace. Thank you Sherri!
We all need help finding our blindspots and I am grateful for Sherri helping me find mine. I would love to help you find yours.
Show was originally part of the Brave, Bold, and Raw Series from August 2017
p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick, simple yet effective assessment so you can discover how to have the sexual freedom, healthy communication and deep connection you deserve - https://allanapratt.com/quiz
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