Feb 1, 2020
India.Arie tells us that she has never been better and is living a new stress-free life after going through some hard times, but she’s BACK! She shared that she began releasing pent up “toxicity” from carrying negativity and fear of other’s and once she began to heal, she realized how much she “never knew she didn’t need to fear”. Having that spiritual awakening has helped her to start anew and live the life her soul intended for her to live. She has such a beautiful soul! Then we discussed loving ourselves, stretch marks and all… and how self love, adoring our body, being at peace in our sexuality and checking inside yourself before making decisions or taking action… is the key to being Brave, Bold & Raw!
I’m sure you’ll agree that India’s music moved you, that her velvety voice inspires you, that her lyrics resonate with you. Yet to hear her talk woman to woman, to hear her up bringing, to hear how she took time to go inside and until there was clarity, didn’t take action again... what courage and faith.
Allana's Getting Your Brave On Coaching
India went to Hawaii to a volcano as a ritual to ask for
guidance... yet it wasn’t until she returned and looked in the
mirror that she truly surrendered that everything is as it should
be. Stop forcing. Be here now. Trust in the process. Listen. Rest.
Where might you be pushing, trying hard to get a result, unwavering
action until you get the solution, when in fact grace might arrive
if you let go, if you be still, if you listen, if you trust all is
as it should be right now, and love yourself non judgmentally right
now. Take time to meditate, go for a walk in nature, dance,
journal, pray... and let the energy of Everything Is As It Should
Be wash over you like a healing rain. Even now you are held.
Show was originally part of the Brave, Bold, and Raw Series from August 2017
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